From connected to smart energy 和 utilities solutions
We enable smarter, 为您的客户和运营提供更安全、更环保的能源和公用事业解决方案.
能源和公用事业火狐体育手机提供极其多样化的基本服务. Some organisations are focused on extraction, production 和 storing (oil, 气体, 电, 水, 矿业, nuclear 和 more), while others are focused on transportation 和 distribution. Some are public, others are private, or a combination.
阿尔卡特朗讯企业版帮助这些多样化的运营商加速数字化转型,提高运营效率, 包括:
- Maintaining a high level of safety 和 security (zero downtime)
- Decreasing environmental impact (zero carbon footprint)
- Mitigating cybersecurity threats (zero trust network)
Digital age solutions for smart energy 和 utilities
- Enhance safety 和 security
- Increase operations efficiency
- Improve customer engagement
今天,加强安全和保障是能源和公用事业运营商的首要任务. Mission-critical networks 和 communications, including industrial access switches, are vital to protecting core activities from service outages. Field worker protection 解决方案, Video surveillance 和 物联网传感器, connected to a visual notification assistant,帮助保护人员和资产,并提高对紧急情况的反应能力. 的 zero trust network strategy helps alleviate cyberthreats 和 vulnerabilities.
随着能源和公用事业运营变得越来越复杂,提高运营效率是关键. Operations control centres 现在有丰富的通讯(如会议、聊天和Videos)使用 dispatch console 和 记录 solutions to improve reaction 和 coordination. Remote visual assistance 加强现场技术人员和远程专家之间的协作, including voice, video sessions 和 document sharing (such as photos 和 videos).
With only a small team, unified network management 用于Wi-Fi和局域网管理您的整个解决方案,包括工业基础设施, 通过开放api或O2G与SCADA系统和其他管理程序进行交互. Predictive maintenance 平台, using Artificial Intelligence (AI) integration, can audit configurations, collect data 和 inform the IT management team, helping with early issue detection, resulting in quicker remediation.
直接的、数字化的个性化体验可以提高客户参与度. Visual automated attendant personalises customers’ routing 和 greeting experience. Multimedia contact center 使用户和座席能够通过语音、电子邮件和社交媒体进行充分的互动. 彩虹 API connectors CPaaS将通信集成到业务流程和应用程序中.
阿尔卡特朗讯企业解决方案是绿色的,从根本上设计,以提高效率和减少对环境的影响, during 和 after deployment.
Featured Customer Video
SARP Groupe choose Remote Visual Assistance from ALE
Customer Benefits
Why energy 和 utilities customers choose ALE
能源和公用事业运营商相信我们的技术可以最大限度地提高人与人之间的互动, processes 和 物联网s:
Provide a safe 和 secure environment for people 和 assets:
- 在恶劣的环境或环境中,通过强大的关键任务网络和通信保持服务连续性
- Protect people by connecting video surveillance, 物联网传感器与集中式和多通道通知相结合
- Mitigate cyberthreats with a zero trust network security strategy
- 快速识别,警觉,反应和协调任何情况,特别是在紧急情况下
- Accelerate information-sharing, 现场工作人员和其他操作团队之间的决策和干预, using efficient collaboration tools
- Anticipate 和 remediate network problems with predictive maintenance
- 简化管理一个非常高性能的网络,具有自动化和快速交互
Ensure customer loyalty with digital services:
- Provide automated 24/7 welcome applications
- Fully interact with voice, email, chat 和 social media
- Improve user experience with personalised 和 contextual information
Digital Age Communications for a smarter Operations Control Centre
Customer References
Visit our 博客
Communications empower energy 和 utilities field workers
Real-time solutions on mobiles, with cloud-based apps, aid field service management in minimizing operational risks.
Communications: 的 heart of an Operations Control Centre
Next-generation OCC enables mission-critical communications, improves efficiency 和 transport operators’ decision-making.
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了解我们的解决方案如何帮助能源和公用事业运营商提高安全性, improve efficiency 和 enhance customer engagement
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